How Do I Apply?
Your application should include a letter, your curriculum vitae and any relevant certificates or diplomas to give us an idea of you and your abilities. Tell us who you are and what characterises you, why you want to work for us and why you, of all people, are exactly the right candidate for the job.

Christian Baumann: Head of Personnel
Mr Christian Baumann
Wittstocker Chaussee 1
D-16909 Heiligengrabe
or by e-mail to:
Applications for vocational training, internships, graduation theses and projects, including speculative applications, should be sent to:

Maria Thurmann: Head of Training
Mrs Maria Thurmann
Wittstocker Chaussee 1
D-16909 Heiligengrabe
or by e-mail to:
We will then send you confirmation that we have received your application. If your documents catch our attention, we will contact you to set up an appointment for a personal interview. On that occasion, we will naturally let you know what the further procedure is.